Targeting Level 4 in Year 7

The materials in this publication are intended to support pupils who enter Year 7 having achieved level 3 in the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum tests in mathematics. The aim for these pupils is that they should attain level 4 as quickly as possible, moving on to level 5 by the end of Year 9. To achieve this, the Year 7 mathematics teaching programme needs to be taught at an appropriate level, consolidating the essential knowledge and skills that underpin the programme.

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Planning your support

Section 3 - Introduction to using lessons

Section 3 - Algebra 1

Section 3 - Algebra 2

Section 3 - Algebra 3

Section 3 - Algebra 4

Section 3 - Number 1

Section 3 - Number 2

Section 3 - Number 3

Section 3 - Number 4

Section 3 - Number 5

Section 3a - Shape 1

Section 3a - shape 2 

Section 3a - Shape 3

Section 3a - Shape 4

Section 3a - Data 1

Section 3a - Data 2

Section 4 Consolidation Lessons 1 and 2

Section 4 Consolidation Lessons 3 to 6 

Section 4 Consolidation lessons 7 to 9

Consolidation Lessons 10 to 12