C/D GCSE Resources

Key Messages for Teachers Working With C - D GCSE Pupils

Learning from Mistakes and Misconceptions

This unit of work is part of the Improving Learning in Mathematics pack. It aims to encourage participants to reflect on the nature and causes of mistakes and misconceptions and consider ways in which mistakes and misconceptions might be used constructively to promote learning.

Learning from Mistakes and Misconceptions

GCSE Mathematics Examination Tips

The slides in this PowerPoint presentation can be printed to make a classroom display.

10-4-10 C/D Revision Booklet

10-4-10 C - D Revision Answer Booklet

These 10 - 4 -10 materials (10 minutes a day for 10 days), targeting "C/D pupils" are designed for GCSE revision during the Easter holidays, They have been created for a Lancashire school using 10 topic areas that were highlighted as weaknesses. The answer booklets have been annotated to aid revision. The materials can be adapted if necessary.

Video tutorial revision bites aimed at old Grade C (roughly a grade 4 now) GCSE candidates are available on the Emaths website. Click on the icon to link to the site.