Annual reviews
EHC plan annual review forms and guidance for professionals.
7. Social care / early help practitioner process
Notes for Social Care / Early Help colleagues
- PDLO one page brief (PDF)
- COP 9.172 The local authority provides a list of CYP who require a review of EHC plan that term to schools, colleges two weeks before the start of each term; and a list to the local authority officers responsible for social care for CYP with SEND. These lists should also indicate which reviews must be focused on transition and preparation for adulthood.
- Social Care / Early Help worker receive annual review list from educational setting at the beginning of each term with proposed dates for the review.
- Social Care / Early Help worker logs review dates on their SEND Annual Review spreadsheet
- Social Care / Early Help worker plans a home visit to see parent and child and young person or checks alignment with CIN review to discuss current outcomes and review the current care package. Where the Care Worker is of the view that the assessed care needs have changed they will seek the necessary authorisation / complete further referrals as might be required.
- Email received from educational setting confirming details of annual review and copy of Annual review form for completion, with copy of EHCP and previous year's annual review.
- Social Care / Early Help worker reviews outcomes, writes report on standard form, discusses with CYP and family, and returns this to the setting within 6 weeks of the request.
- 2 weeks prior to meeting all annual review paperwork is received from the educational setting.
- Social Care / Early Help worker confirms attendance for the meeting / or sends apologies
- Social Care / Early Help worker attends review attends (virtual or in person) wherever possible and reflecting urgency of the need presentation / new and changed setting
- Review summary or minutes of the meeting received from the setting within 2 weeks of the annual review meeting. Datasheet updated.
- Social Care / Early Help worker checks document for accuracy and informs educational setting or LA directly if any amendments are needed
- If appropriate LA issues new EHCP within 4* weeks of the annual review documentation being submitted by the educational setting and a copy sent to Social Worker
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