Annual reviews
EHC plan annual review forms and guidance for professionals.
2. Improving the annual review process
Updated 5 February 2024
Your feedback
Thank you for taking the time to read this SEND Partnership EHC plan annual review guidance for professionals.
We would like to know what you, including children, young people, parent carers and practitioners think about the new EHC plan annual review forms and guidance.
If you have any feedback, please email
You said
Parent carers, young people and professionals have told us there are issues with the annual review process.
We did
We've updated the annual review forms and guidance and we're encouraging professionals involved in the process to get to know their role in the process.
Support us
If you're a professional working with children and young people who have EHC plans, please read and share the key messages below and signpost your colleagues to this page.
Key messages
Please read these key messages and share them with your colleagues.
New forms and guidance
- this guide contains the latest annual review forms and guidance
- always download the latest version of the forms and guidance from this site (and not use old versions you may have saved locally)
Contacting professionals
Educational settings:
- ask parent carers to find out whether there are any health, social care or early help professionals professionals that are involved with their child
- professionals need as much notice as possible to provide information for an annual review
- requests should be made at least 12 weeks before the annual review date, at the beginning of the term if possible
Responding to invitations and requests for advice
Health, early help and social care:
- there is a joint responsibility to stay in touch
- be aware of children and young people on your caseload who have an EHC plan
- look out for annual review lists from educational settings at the beginning of each term and log relevant dates
You can also watch the recording of our webinar in which we introduce the new forms and process.
SEND Partnership annual review new forms and process launch 7 December 2023
0-2.44 Introduction
2.45-5.34 CYP
5.35-7.03 Parent carers
7.04-8.57 Guide
8.58-15.07 CSC
15.08-32.44 Health
32.45-34.40 Education
34.41-38.25 Local Offer