Annual reviews
EHC plan annual review forms and guidance for professionals.
5. Preparing for adulthood
Preparing for adulthood reviews
The review of an EHC Plan of a young person in the school year in which they turn 14 years of age (Year 9) and every review thereafter must include a focus on preparing for adulthood including employment, independent living and participation in society.
The young person and parent carer guidance includes extra information for young people and parents about this type of review.
Developing preparation for adulthood outcomes from early years to post 16
Visit the CDC website to download the tool 'PfA Outcomes across the age ranges for children and young people with SEND'.
This supportive tool has been designed by the Department for Education (DfE) to promote consideration of the four PfA outcomes as part of EHC planning across the age range.
Learning disability health checks
From the year 9 annual review onwards children with a diagnosed learning disability or suspected learning disability should be made aware of their entitlement to a health check via their GP.
Young people and families should be signposted to their GP, you can find more information at:
- Learning disability health checks information on the SEND local offer
- Learning disability health check form (DOCX 14 KB)