Funded childcare for foster carers

1. Overview

If you are a foster carer of a child you may be able to claim extra funded childcare hours.

Accessing funded childcare must be consistent with the foster child's care plan.

You should talk to your foster child's social worker before you claim funded childcare for a foster child.

To claim some of the extra funded childcare hours the social worker will need to make a referral or sign your application. See the how to apply section for more information.

Accessing the funded hours will not be appropriate for every child in foster care. Children do not have to take up the full funded childcare entitlement. But, we would encourage all children in foster care to access some of the funded hours where possible.

Children aged 9 months to 23 months

From September 2024, children in foster care aged 9 months to 23 months old may be able to get 15 hours funded childcare.

You will be eligible if you (and your partner, if you have one) are working outside your fostering role.

Eligible children can access the place the term after they reach 9 months old. This is in line with working family entitlement.

2 year olds

All 2 year old children in foster care are eligible for 15 hours funded childcare from the term after their 2nd birthday.

You can claim this regardless of whether you're in paid employment outside of your fostering role.

3 and 4 year olds

Children in foster care aged 3 or 4 years old may be able to get 30 hours funded childcare.

This is an extra 15 hours on top of the 15 hours that all 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to. This is in line with working family entitlement.

You will be eligible if you (and your partner, if you have one) are working outside your fostering role.

Eligible children can access the extra 15 hours per week from the term after their 3rd birthday.

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