Funded childcare for foster carers

3. When to apply

We recommend that you apply in good time to get your code.

If you do not receive your code by the dates below, you cannot access your extra hours until the start of the next term.

15 hours for 9 to 23 months

You can apply for your eligibility code when your foster child reaches 23 weeks old.

Your foster child can start in their childcare place the term after they reach 9 months old, providing you have received a valid eligibility code.

Child turns 9 months You can access a place from Must have eligibility code by
1 September to 31 December Term starting on or after 1 January  31 December
1 January to 31 March Term starting on or after 1 April 31 March
1 April to 31 August Term starting on or after 1 September 31 August

30 hours for 3 and 4 year olds

You can apply for your eligibility code up to 16 weeks before your foster child's 3rd birthday.

Your foster child can start accessing the extra hours from the term after their 3rd birthday, providing you have received a valid eligibility code.

Child's birthday When you can access a place Must have eligibility code by
1 January to 31 March 1 April 31 March
1 April to 31 August 1 September 31 August
1 September to 31 December 1 January 31 December
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