Setting up Junior Road Safety Ambassadors

We recommend that within School Councils there are 2 designated Junior Road Safety Ambassadors who will have the opportunity to research about road safety themes and with the support of the school council will be able to deliver important road safety messages to the wider school community in a fun and innovative way.    

Junior Road Safety Ambassadors (JRSA's) will need some support from teachers/TA's but with the main emphasis being placed on the appointed JRSAs to lead and action activities within school.  A teacher or teaching assistant should be nominated by the school to act as a school guide/liaison-to offer advice and support to the JRSAs.  

To participate please complete and return the enrolment form, to enable us to track and offer support as required. In return we will supply the badges and certificates for your JRSA's. Send to:

JRSA enrolment form

JRSA's Term 1

Suggested theme for autumn term. Be bright be seen.

We recommend that in the autumn term you focus on running a Be bright be seen
campaign as daylight saving ends on the last Sunday in October and the nights will
be drawing in. You could choose ONE of the three activities below to do with your

National road safety week commences on Sunday November 17th and this might be the ideal time to have a school campaign and focus on road safety.

Activity 1: Organise a year group or whole school assembly with the theme "be bright be seen."

We have provided a PowerPoint on the website that you could use and amend to
suit your school.

BBBS Powerpoint

KS2 Assembly plan be bright be seen

Activity 2: Run a school Road Safety Week quiz for KS2 and offer prizes to the top 5 in each year group.

We have some pre prepared quizzes available on MS forms that you can use and

Activity 3: Organise a wear something fluorescent/ bright or reflective to school day.

Don't forget to get approval from your school and ensure that families are kept informed.

Advertise your event around school and offer prizes for the three most creative
accessories in each year group.
We can provide you with Be Bright Be Seen leaflets that can be sent home to

Please don't forget to share your stories about what you are doing with the road
safety team by using the following hashtag #LancsRoadSafety but always make
sure you get permission from school to share any photographs.

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