Lancashire care providers forum

We also provide links to important information, training and consultations for care service providers and staff on the opportunities for care service providers page.

Health publications website - Flu vaccination - simple text adult leaflet

Agendas and minutes

Homecare e-brokerage system training, 4 February 2025

This is a video demonstrating how to use the new e-brokerage system which is being introduced in February 2025. It covers how to respond to a home care package request but also gives an added perspective of how the care navigation team issue a care package using the new system.


Code of conduct for provider forums

  • Please treat members, guest speakers and other representatives with respect both, during the meeting and outside of the meeting
  • Members are asked to talk one at a time, waiting to be recognised by the chair
  • Be respectful of other people's ideas or situations when they talk
  • Be patient when listening to others speak and do not interrupt them until they have finished
  • Members need to stay on the topic being discussed. If there are any burning issues please write them down and raise them under 'Any Other Business' on the agenda
  • Address any concerns about the discussion or the meeting with the chair - it is the chair's job to bring the meeting to order
  • If members feel they cannot talk about issues or concerns during the meeting, they should talk to the chair after the meeting. Alternatively, you can email
  • Please seek permission prior to recording or filming any discussions at the meetings