Library collection management and development policy
June 2021
Approved by Cabinet 2 September 2021
Review date September 2024
- Collections information
- Collections management
- Access to collections
- People and Training @(listOrdered ? "ol" : "ul")>
Access to collections
7.1 The service allows free access to buildings, information, and reference services. Borrowing, and access to digital collections is generally restricted to library members.
7.2 Anyone in the UK may become a Lancashire library member but access to some digital services and reading group materials is limited to Lancashire residents. People may join online or in person at any library in the county.
7.3 Public access to the library catalogue is online via Prism which shares information in real time with ALTO. Customers can view the full range of material held in the collections, including eBooks and eAudiobooks, and see book covers of lending stock with a brief synopsis of each title. Prism includes a range of features to facilitate access, including the ability for members to manage their loans, search for and request items, add ratings, reviews and tags, and create bespoke lists of titles.
7.4 Each library member may borrow up to 20 books at once and may request items from the county lending stock, the reserve collections, or music CD and DVD collections for an approved fee.
7.5 If a library member requests a book not held in stock the service will try to acquire it in accordance with service procedures, either by purchase or through the inter-library loan scheme. Customers are advised that the fees for such loans will be recharged to them.
7.6 There is a system of fines for overdue items, approved by Lancashire County Council, but library members are encouraged to use free resources, such as managing renewals online and the automated reminder service. Materials may also be renewed by contacting the Customer Contact Centre or via a 24-hour automated phone service.
7.7 Library branches are grouped by Lancashire district and the opening hours of each branch are co-ordinated to ensure maximum opportunity for people to access collections in person across each district, and across the county as a whole. The fleet of mobile libraries provides additional access to collections in areas where there is no library building nearby.
7.8 The Home Library service, for people unable to get to a branch or mobile library because of age, disability, or ill health, offers full access to library stock through a free request service. Library staff may select books and audiobooks on behalf of a customer. Items may be collected, or volunteers deliver and collect material every 4 weeks.
7.9 Digital collections available through apps and web browsers allow library members to search for, reserve and borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks, and provide free access to eNewspapers, eMagazines and eComics.
7.10 The service provides free access to sets of books and eBooks for reading groups. The books are selected from a list of titles by the group co-ordinator and sent to a nominated library for collection.
7.11 Music and drama collections
- These collections are available only to music and drama groups or societies registered with the library service. Sets may be requested for collection at any library in Lancashire and visits in person to browse the collections can be facilitated.
- Charges are made for loans and an interlibrary loan agreement is in place with other library authorities to maximise use of these resources and meet the needs of Lancashire organisations.
7.12 Reference materials may be consulted in libraries but may not be borrowed. A range of free online reference resources is available for use on library computers. Many online reference materials may also be accessed from home by library members.
7.13 Local and special collections may be viewed in libraries by prior arrangement. The Lancashire Printed Collection is available at Lancashire Archives.
7.14 The service uses social media platforms to promote a wide range of events and initiatives to encourage children and adults to read. These may include reading challenges, in-branch activities and podcasts and may highlight collections or individual titles of interest.