Library collection management and development policy
June 2021
Approved by Cabinet 2 September 2021
Review date September 2024
- Collections information
- Collections management
- Access to collections
- People and Training @(listOrdered ? "ol" : "ul")>
Collections development: selection, acquisition, and disposal
4.1 Most library stock is acquired by purchase. The service aims to ensure that the library resources fund is spent responsibly and effectively to provide a balanced and diverse collection meeting the needs of Lancashire communities.
4.2 Contracts to supply library resources are procured in line with the ethics, standards, and values of Lancashire County Council, and to minimise environmental impact and maximise value for money. Suppliers are selected according to the procurement standing orders under appendix R of the County Council's constitution.
4.3 Stock is chosen through a combination of automated supplier selection and selection by library officers, with standing orders for audiobooks and large print titles.
4.4 Most newly published material is selected by supplier selection. Stock is ordered in advance to ensure titles are available for loan and request as soon as they are published.
4.5 Specifications for supplier selection provide detailed instructions on types of books, number required, and which titles each library should receive. The specifications are reviewed annually on the contract anniversary.
4.6 Specialist stock officers use their knowledge of the book market and trade publications to make supplementary selections. They consult library staff and monitor customer demand and feedback to identify and fill stock gaps. They ensure that the collection includes popular series and authors, emerging authors, and authors with a Lancashire connection, as well as publications relating to local history, topography, and communities. Special orders are placed to support promotions, activities, events, and book awards.
4.7 Decisions on stock selection take the following into account:
- merits and popularity of the author or series
- quality and format of production
- publisher and availability from registered suppliers
- desire and commitment to be inclusive and to meet the needs of all readers and potential readers as well as to reflect social and cultural diversity, religion, cultural beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, and disability
- local interest
- current affairs and media productions
- forthcoming promotional activities and events
- estimated shelf life
- stock gaps
4.8 Decisions on stock selection are not based on anticipated approval or disapproval. In accordance with the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals', Statement on Intellectual Freedom, Access to Information and Censorship material will not be suppressed or removed because it may cause offence to some readers.
4.9 Occasionally a collection may be transferred to or from another organisation or institution. The decision to transfer a whole or part of a collection is made by the head of service.
4.10 Donations of lending stock are not usually accepted because of the resources required to service and catalogue the items and the need to adhere to our collection policy. Donations of significant local interest, titles written and self-published by Lancashire authors, or stories with a significant Lancashire connection are considered by the stock team. These titles may be added to library collections and/or the Lancashire Printed Collection.
4.11 Library staff routinely dispose of books to make way for new titles in line with agreed stock management guidelines.
4.12 Last copies of titles are given careful consideration before disposal. The following may be added to the reserve collections:
- last copy of out-of-print title of historical importance
- last copy of out-of-print title still in demand for lending
- last copy of in-print title of historical importance
- last copy of books still requested regularly and having content of value and interest
4.12 The service ensures the ethical disposal of items which are no longer fit for public lending because of condition, age, or current relevance to the collection.
4.13 Items from the Lancashire Printed Collection or any local or special collections are disposed of with reference to the relevant guidelines of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, particularly the Disposals Policy for Rare Books and Manuscripts.