Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) school in Lancaster, information for academy sponsors

7. Specifications

Annex A

Refurbishing the new school

Where those elements of the building fall below current standards or are of poor condition, they will be upgraded or replaced in line with current building regulations and DfE guidelines where applicable and this work will be undertaken by the county council. It is possible that the refurbishment will be underway by the time the academy sponsor is appointed and therefore sponsors may not have the opportunity for involvement in the refurbishment project.

Lease arrangements

On a date to be agreed with the approved academy sponsor prior to the opening of the new school, the site and buildings will be leased by the county council on a 125-year lease arrangement as prescribed by the DfE.

Opening arrangements

The exact opening arrangements for the new school are yet to be agreed and will be determined in discussion with the successful Academy Sponsor mindful of the demand for places at the time. However, at this stage it is envisaged that the new school will grow incrementally based on the emerging demand for places from Lancashire pupils having a social, emotional and mental health needs as their primary assessed need and an education, health and care plan. It is proposed that the school will offer 20 pupil places within the first year of opening and will offer a further 20 places in year two and the remaining 14 places in year three.

The academy will be expected to be flexible in how classes are organised to respond to the demand for places and the age and development profile of those placed at the school.

The organisational structure is proposed to be delivered across four teaching groups comprising one teaching group for pupils in years 1 and 2 to accommodate key stage 1 pupils and they would be taught in class bases that will accommodate six pupils.

The pupils in years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6 will be accommodated in class bases for up to eight pupils.

Age range

The school is intended to serve pupils between the ages of five and 11 years. The county council will keep the demand for places under review and where required will discuss with the appointed academy sponsor any emerging need for any change to the age range of the school.


The school will be open to all genders.

Admission criteria

The county council requires that academy sponsors abide by the national SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2015) in order to admit pupils where:

  • the school is suitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child or young person,
  • the attendance of the child or young person at the school is compatible with the efficient education of others, or the efficient use of resources.

The local authority is required to comply with a request from a child's parent unless the placement of the child would not be consistent with the criteria listed above.

Equality and diversity

All potential academy sponsors are required to demonstrate their commitment to inclusion, to promoting equality and diversity and to eliminating unlawful discrimination and harassment.

Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment (EHRIA)

Extended services

The county council expects the academy sponsor to collaborate and engage with other providers and local partners to develop extended services which meet the needs of children, young people and families in a coordinated, holistic way.

These services may include access to out of hours learning activities and clubs, parenting support and community-based projects and potentially include social enterprises.

Academy proposers are asked to provide evidence in their application of their commitment towards the development of extended provision at the new school.

Home to school transport

The council will expect the academy sponsor to encourage safe and sustainable travel to the new school, including walking and cycling and to develop a comprehensive travel plan to support this for staff, pupils and visitors.

If eligible, home to school transport will be provided, in line with the county council’s home to school/college transport policy, that is, when this school is identified as the nearest suitable education provision within a child’s education, health and care plan.

Transport for eligible pupils will be provided for those pupils living at over two miles walking distance for primary age children and at over three miles for secondary age children. View details of the County Council’s Home to School Transport Policy.

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