Starting secondary school (Year 7)
Information for parents about applying for Year 7 places for September 2025.
8. Waiting lists and appeals
If you are unhappy with the outcome of your application you can add your child's name to waiting lists for other schools or find out about the appeals process.
The situation will change for many families as the reserve list and appeal processes roll forward.
Waiting lists
Waiting lists are kept and a place will be offered if one later becomes available.
You must request that your child is included, they are not automatically added to a waiting list. The list is kept in priority order using the admission criteria
The list may change as children move into and out of the area or accept alternative places.
If a place becomes available and your child is top of the list, they will be offered a place whether or not you have appealed. If you want to add your child to the waiting list or know their position on the waiting list, please contact your area education office.
Lists will be kept at area education offices until the end of August immediately prior to schools starting. After 31 August, individual admission authorities must keep a waiting list for one term into the new school year.
Parents who want a pupil's name to remain on the waiting list for a voluntary aided or foundation school, free school or academy must contact them direct early in the new school year to confirm that this is the case.
Places are only offered from waiting lists where the allocated number of children falls below the admission number for the year group.
All admissions authorities will do everything possible to meet your preferences before an appeal becomes necessary. You will be informed about other available places. It would be helpful if you visited the offered school or academy.
If you are still unhappy, you have the right to appeal to an Independent Admission Appeal Panel, whose members played no part in the original allocation of places. Appeal details will be given in the letter which offers you a place.
If your child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan, arrangements are different for appealing against a place not being offered. You should contact your local Inclusion Service area team.
Apply online for a school place
Applications for school places for September 2025 open on 1 September 2024.
The deadline to apply for a Year 7 place is 31 October 2024.
Any applications received after the deadline will be classed as late.