Starting secondary school (Year 7)

Information for parents about applying for Year 7 places for September 2025.

When you apply for your child's school place, remember to consider how your child will get to school. To help you plan for the school run see our school transport web pages.

5. Supplementary information forms

Voluntary aided (church) schools and academies usually have a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which they require you to complete.

The SIF is in addition to the online application and requests additional information that is used by the governing body of the school to apply their oversubscription criteria when allocating places.
If you do not complete a SIF for a school that needs one, your application will be considered after those applications which did include a completed SIF.

If you are applying for a faith school, it is important that you complete the form with all details which are relevant to your child and your family.

Please contact the school directly or visit their website to get a SIF and return it to the school when complete.

The information you submit on a SIF is used by admission authorities to rank your child's application against the criteria in their published admission policy.  

For secondary schools, the SIF must be returned to the school by 31 October.

If you select three voluntary aided (church) schools or academies, please complete three separate SIFs, one for each school and return them to each school by the closing date.

Unexpected church closures

In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship the church has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these admission arrangements in relation to attendance will only apply to the period when the church or alternative premises have been available for public worship.

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Apply online for a school place

Applications for school places for September 2025 open on 1 September 2024.

Apply online

The deadline to apply for a Year 7 place is 31 October 2024.

Any applications received after the deadline will be classed as late.