Reopening of the Provider list for Break Time, Home Care and Short Breaks Services for children and young people with disabilities - LCC10029
Evaluation round details:
The Provider List is an open list: Applicants can apply to join during its term if the Applicant satisfies the selection, quality and price requirements and is able to deliver the Service as described in the Service Specifications.
Evaluations of new Applications will take place annually as detailed in the ITP. The Authority reserves the right to evaluate sooner. Exact Application Evaluation deadlines dates will be communicated via the Sourcing portal as a message
Please note the next evaluation round will be approximately October/December 2024.
Lancashire County Council (the Authority) wishes to establish an open Provider List of Break Time and Short Breaks Providers who are suitable, capable and experienced to deliver the required services. This will greatly improve choice and the ability to meet the needs of children and young people with appropriate services.
The Authority remain committed to developing the short breaks services across Lancashire and want to be able to improve service quality for the Children and Young People with SEND in Lancashire by working in partnership with providers.
This procurement is to establish one open Provider List of approved Service Providers to deliver all the required Services. All existing providers are positively encouraged to apply.
Please see below advert:
Following the initial application phase the Provider List is now open for new applications, which can be submitted at anytime. Evaluations of new applications are at least annually. Evaluation deadlines will be published.
The Services commissioned from the new Provider List are listed below and will support the Authority in fulfilling its statutory duty to provide a full range of Short Break Services to children/young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ("SEND") which is sufficient to assist their primary carers to continue to provide care or to do so more effectively.
Applicants are invited to apply for all or any of the following Lots and there is no restrictions for the number of lots they can successful in:
Lot 1a Break Time
Lot 1b Break Time Plus
Lot 2a Day Time Short Breaks
Lot 2b Day Time Personal Care
Lot 3 Night Time Overnight Short Breaks
Lot 4 Intensive Positive Behaviour Support
It is intended that the Provider List will remain effect for 5 years (1st April 2022 – 31st march 2027), with option to extend and shall not exceed a maximum of 7 years.
The Provider List is an open list: Applicants can apply to join during its term if the Applicant satisfies the selection, quality and price requirements and is able to deliver the Service as described in the Service Specifications.
Evaluations of new Applications will take place annually as detailed in the ITP. The Authority reserves the right to evaluate sooner. Exact Application Evaluation deadlines dates will be communicated via the Sourcing portal as a message and published below:
Evaluation round details
For your application to be considered please note the dates below:
Please note the next evaluation round will be approximately October/December 2024.
Existing business
Break Time
Please be aware that all existing Lancashire Break Time arrangements will cease on the 31st March 2022 and these will be replaced by Break Time activities from the 1st April. Existing children and young people whose current provider are not awarded a place on the Provider List will be supported to transfer their Break Time hours to a successful provider of their choice.
Home Care and Short Breaks
Please be aware that existing service users whose current provider is not awarded a place on the Provider List will have their care package transferred to a successful provider of their choice, unless they wish to take a direct payment to manage their own arrangements.
Existing service users whose current provider is awarded a place on the Provider List will remain with their existing provider to ensure continuity of care, unless they expressly choose otherwise.
How to apply
To participate and join the Provider List, please read all documents listed below. Applicants must complete all the required documents (as stated in the ITP) and must be returned via the iSupplier portal: under LCC10029
You must also check the iSupplier portal on a regular basis for 'messaging function', this will provide a log of any clarification questions raised by Applicant and the Authority's responses.
All aspects (documents/attachments/responses) of the application can and must be submitted via the iSupplier portal. The Authority will not accept email or hard copy/paper applications in relation to this process and you must submit your application electronically via the iSupplier portal.
All instructions on how to apply to join the Provider List, evaluation criteria terms and conditions and documents to be returned can be downloaded from the list of documents below. Please also check the iSupplier portal on a regular basis.
If you require support when using iSupplier Portal the contact details are on the 'Isupplier contact' page of the LCC website:
LCC Procurement team contacts - Lancashire County Council
Further information and documentation:
4. Appendix 2 - Service Specification and Lot Specs
- Appendix 2 Break Time And Short Breaks Core Specification PDF 521 KB
- Appendix 2A Lot Specification Break Time Lots1a And 1B PDF 240 KB
- Appendix 2B Lot Specification DT Short Breaks And Personal Care Lots2a And 2B PDF 205 KB
- Appendix 2C Lot Specification Night Time Lot 3 PDF 185 KB
- Appendix 2D Lot Specification Intensive Positive Behaviour Supp Lot 4 PDF 162 KB
- Appendix 2E Service Outcomes Performance Monitoring PDF 200 KB
- Appendix 2F Evaluation Forms PDF 131 KB
- Appendix 2G Break Time Claim Form DOCX 18 KB
- Appendix 2H Short Breaks Referral Form V2 XLSX 19 KB
- Appendix 2I CYP Short Breaks Statement 20232024 PDF 550 KB
- Appendix 2J Service Contract Data Form Break Time PDF 181 KB
Invitation to participate documents
Provider information days:
Please see attached letter for interested providers.
- Homecare provider letter Feb 22 PDF 154 KB
- LBT Provider letter Feb 22 PDF 150 KB
Online engagement event for Homecare Providers: This event has now passed - See presentations below
Message from Policy, Commissioning and Children's Health
The new Short Breaks offer strikes a better balance and is better targeted to those children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who have been using the services.
As part of the new service offer we are especially keen to improve outcomes for the CYP with SEND by working in partnership with Service Providers to strengthen our approaches to commissioning, contracting and monitoring so that our Service Providers are clear about requirements.
We want to do this by:
- Strengthening our relationships with new and existing providers
- Working in partnership to ensure we are meeting local need and, ensuring where there are any issues that we act quickly to ensure good quality services continue
- Being clear about our requirements, quality standards, performance, and the monitoring arrangements for the new short breaks service.
- Providing a sustainable market offering annual price uplifts
Online engagement event for Break Time Providers: This event has now passed - see presentations below
(see clarifications log on the sourcing portal for any questions and answers received during this event)
- Break Time Network Event 16.01.2023 PDF 737 KB
- Engagement Event Procurement Slides PDF 498 KB
Total Contract Value:
Estimated total value up to £30,800,000
The estimated contract value for the Provider List allows for cost increases during the term.
The contract values stated are indicative and may be subject to change with annual price uplifts; and/or commissioning of Service that fall under the scope of this Provider List. The values are a guide and the Authority cannot guarantee the volume of Services throughout the period of the Provider List Agreement.
Is this suitable for SME (Small & Medium Enterprises)? Yes
Is this suitable for VCSE (Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise)? Yes
Contract Type: Services
Procedure Type: Light Touch Regime under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Lancashire.
Tender Documents are available until: 31/03/2027
Contact Name: Kirsty Harrison
Contact Email address:
Contact Telephone Number: 01772 538079
Awarding Authority: Lancashire County Council
Other information:
See invitation to participate for full requirements, particularly in regard to requirements concerning: insurance, financial ratios, consortia requirements, mandatory and discretionary exclusion criteria, references, past performance/experience, regulatory registration quality and price criteria.
List of all providers who have been awarded a place on the Provider list for Break Time, Home Care and Short Breaks Services for children and young people with disabilities: