Secondary Consultant Support 2024/25

We know how important it is for you as school leaders to be able to access the specialist, bespoke support that you need to best meet your individual school's development priorities.

From April 2024, the secondary consultant team will be available to support you, regardless of setting, through a range of flexible, personalised and cost-effective models.

Rather than forming part of the Secondary School Improvement Service Guarantee (SISG) offer, consultant support will be available even more flexibly, to support your individual school priorities.

We know from your feedback how much schools trust and value the experienced, specialist and professional support of the secondary team. The ways that schools access this has evolved in recent years and we are responding to the changing needs of schools and trusts.

From April 2024, secondary schools will be able to access consultant support in the following areas:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Learning and Teaching
  • Literacy
  • Behaviour for learning
  • PSHE/Personal Development

Please click on the image below to listen to the team and the support on offer:

Please click on the images below to view the support offers for 2024/25:

Click on the image below to find out How could the secondary consultant team support your staff and setting:

Example schedule below of a subject review:

Independent Schools Standards: How can LPDS support these?