Afl CPD Resources

AfL Training Materials Unit 6: Curricular target setting in Mathematics

One of the key messages states that a curricular target expresses in words, supported by data, a specific aspect of the curriculum as a focus for improvement. It may be focused by numeric outcomes. It is identified from a range of sources of evidence as an area of weakness in pupils learning.

AfL Training Materials Unit 5: Peer and self assessment in Mathematics

One of the key messages states that to develop skills in peer and self assessment, learning objectives and intended learning outcomes must be made explicit and transparent to pupils. This will help to ensure that pupils are able to identify when they have met some or all of the success criteria.

AfL Training Materials Unit 4.2: Written feedback in Mathematics

One of the key messages states that the learning objectives and learning outcomes need to be the reference point for a teachers written feedback. These need to be shared and made clear to pupils in advance of attempting the task.

AfL Training Materials Unit 4.1: Oral feedback in Mathematics

One of the key messages states that oral feedback is the most regular and interactive form of feedback. It should be constructive and informative in order to help pupils take the next steps in their learning.

AfL Training Materials Unit 3: Objective led lessons

One of the key messages states that effective learning takes place when learners understand what they are trying to achieve.