Miscellaneous Resources
Make intricate symmetrical patterns using this snowflake maker. Patterns can be printed or copied into Paint and coloured to make effective displays. Click on the icon to link to a YouTube video, and here to the BarklyUS facebook page
The 2022Nrich Advent Calendar has a mathematical game for each day during the build-up to Christmas. Click on the icon to link to the calendar.
Click on the icon to link to the Plus magazine Advent calendar with items from the Plus archive behind the doors.
Who Killed Santa A Christmas murder mystery for the classroom.
Click on the icon to find out about the mathematics of wrapping Christmas presents.
GCSE Mathematics Examination Tips
The slides in this PowerPoint presentation can be printed to make a classroom display.
Taktiles-lessoon-studyTak Tiles were designed for the Developments in Mathematics Education (DIME) Project. Activities use "shape algebra" to develop understanding of both algebra and area of compound shapes. Algebra through Geometry by Geoff Giles is available through Southgate Publishers.
Durham Maths Mysteries
Six problem solving activities for KS3 or KS4 - Ratio and Proportion, Directed Numbers, Algebra, Properties of Shapes, Locus and Probability.
The Number MysteriesClick on the icon to link to Professor Marcus du Sautoy's Royal Institute Christmas Lectures. You will need to register with the RI to watch these videos, but there is no registration charge.
History of Number Cartoon Video
History of Mathematics Cartoon Video
Miscellaneous Word and Calculation Searches
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? - Level 5 General Mathematics
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? - Christmas Maths
Word Search PowerPoint Presentation
This website provides a different mathematical activity for every day of the year. Click on the icon to link to the website.
Maths Careers has a wealth of information about careers in mathematics.