Setting up Junior Road Safety Ambassadors

We recommend that within School Councils there are 2 designated Junior Road Safety Ambassadors who will have the opportunity to research about road safety themes and with the support of the school council will be able to deliver important road safety messages to the wider school community in a fun and innovative way.    

Junior Road Safety Ambassadors (JRSA's) will need some support from teachers/TA's but with the main emphasis being placed on the appointed JRSAs to lead and action activities within school.  A teacher or teaching assistant should be nominated by the school to act as a school guide/liaison-to offer advice and support to the JRSAs.  

To participate please complete and return the registration form, to enable us to track and offer support as required. In return we will supply the badges and certificates for your JRSA's. Send to:

JRSA registration




Being a Junior Road Safety Ambassador

The role of the Junior Road Safety Ambassador

As a Junior Road Safety Ambassador (JRSA) you are very important part of the school as you will help raise road safety awareness and promote road safety issues to everyone in the school and in the wider school community. You will be a road safety champion!

Here are some of the activities you could be involved in to promote road safety:

  • Improve the knowledge and awareness on road safety themes in school by presenting at assemblies or to classes on road safety themes

  • Engage your audience by putting up relevant road safety posters

  • Organise competitions in the school, such as a banner design competition get prizes for the winners and hand out certificates

  • Conduct traffic surveys and quizzes, parents and staff about their transportation choices.

  • Get involved in organising safe and active travel activities such as Brake Kids walk

  • Liaise with staff at your school and the LCC Road Safety Team

  • Publicise and share your activities and successes with the wider school community

The downloadable booklet contains some thoughts and ideas for the autumn term:

Pupil resource junior road safety ambassadors


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