Campaigns competitions and school councils

The road safety team will send out a termly newsletter via the School portal that can be shared with staff. Every year there are numerous campaigns that have a road safety theme or element. In addition to this we encourage schools to tackle local issues by using their school council to advocate for road safety and act as Junior road safety Ambassadors, and organise termly events and competitions with a road safety theme, these can be done in conjunction with national campaigns.

"Safe adventures" campaign

Nationally the number of child pedestrian casualties doubles between the ages of 9 and 11, with incidents more likely to happen during drop-off and pick up times.

The Think! "Safe Adventures" campaign (launched April 2024) aimed at parents of pupils in KS2 has a focus on the top 3 risky behaviours.

Parents are encouraged to have practice journeys and to model best practice and compliment the existing Green Cross Code (Stop, Look, Listen, Think.) with the positive message "Eyes up, Slow Down, Cross Safely"

 ‘EYES UP’ prompts children to put their phone away and look out for their friends and not distract them. 

‘SLOW DOWN’ advises children to take care and don’t run across the road when traffic is coming even if you think there is time. 

 ‘CROSS SAFELY’ reminds children to always find a safe place to cross, use a pedestrian crossing if there is one and choose a place where you can see clearly in all directions.

For further information please access:

"Safe adventures" Think!

Toolkit for the safe adventures campaign.



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