Year 6 to Year 7
Transition to secondary school can be a particularly difficult time for children who are, or have been, looked after and children who have a social worker (CWSW).
Transition means change and change can be uncomfortable and difficult for us all.
However, change is especially stressful for looked after children (LAC), previously looked after children (PLAC) and CWSW because can it trigger deep rooted feelings of insecurity, instability, loss and separation, which can be experienced as devastating.
We have three new documents available which will help you to support the most vulnerable children in your care with this huge transition. It is imperative that you start working with the children now and that it isn't just left to the summer term.
The resources include:
- Guidance on the transition to secondary school.
- An assessment tool to help you assess for secondary school "readiness" - this would be particularly useful in setting actions and interventions/support on the PEP.
- A child's booklet for them to complete.
- Guidance for transition from Year 6 To Year 7 for CLA and PLAC Lancashire Virtual School DOCX 6.24 MB
- Readiness for transition Year 6 to Year 7 for CLA and PLAC Lancashire Virtual School DOC 1.55 MB
- Child's booklet for transition year 6 to year 7 for CLA and PLAC Lancashire Virtual School PDF 14.90 MB