SEND training guide for professionals

4. All partners: Mandatory training

Inclusion / SEND training to be embedded within current training programmes, dependent on area of work.

Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA)

Lancashire Educational Psychology Service has developed emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) guidance and training to help the workforce in supporting young people experiencing emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA).

There is accompanying EBSA parental guidance, school anxiety and school avoidance, on the SEND local offer.


Children may as a result of attachment, trauma or sensory needs exhibit emotional distress. Children may not be engaging in their learning or may be exhibiting challenging behaviour. Babies and young children are very vulnerable to trauma as they can't protect themselves or understand what is happening.

The Virtual School has provided some information about attachment, trauma or sensory needs.

The Trauma Informed Lancashire website has information and resources for practitioners about trauma informed practice and to support public and third sector services in becoming trauma informed.

Autism and learning disabilities

The Skills for Health website includes core capabilities frameworks for supporting autistic people and/or people with a learning disability, relevant to those working in any sector and all staff working across health and social care.

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SEND Partnership workforce development