Inclusion fund


Applications to the Inclusion Fund form part of the graduated approach to meeting children's SEND. It is therefore expected that settings will have a range of evidence identifying the child's needs and the steps that they have taken to as part of their everyday practice, reasonable adjustments and SEN Support interventions to address these e.g. tracking over time and across the areas of learning and development within the EYFS, individual provision maps, targeted learning plans (TLPs), reviewed TLPs etc.

Fund A:

In order for an application to the Inclusion Fund for Fund A to be considered, all applications must include:

  • A fully completed Inclusion Fund application form (including parental consent)
  • Supporting evidence as identified on the relevant Inclusion Fund application form
  • Details regarding the specific resources and/or training the funding is being requested for, including catalogue references, weblinks etc. and cost.

Fund B:

In order for an application to the Inclusion Fund for Fund B to be considered, all applications must include:

  • A fully completed Inclusion Fund application form (including parental consent) 
  • Supporting evidence as identified on the relevant Inclusion Fund application form.

It should be noted that applications may not always result in requests for funding being agreed.

Where applications are made for Fund A and Fund B together, this should be clearly identified on the form and there should be a clear rationale and evidence for both parts of the Inclusion Fund being requested.

It should also be noted that applications for Inclusion Funding should not be made for children with a final Education Health and Care Plan as funding provision to meet their needs will be identified and supported through the statutory process.

Application forms

Examples of Inclusion Fund applications are available on the Early Years section of the Specialist Teaching Service website.

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