Providing 30 hours funded childcare
By offering working parents 30 hours funded childcare the government aims to give parents a real choice about how they balance raising children with their working lives and aims to support, those parents who wish to work or to work more hours, to be able to do so.
The eligibility criteria for parents to access the additional funded hours can be found on the GOV.UK website.
How do parents check to see if they are eligible
Parents can apply through the Childcare Choices website. If they are eligible they'll get an 11 digit eligibility code to give to you.
You must check the parent's 11 digit eligibility codes on the Provider Portal, you can refer to the Provider Portal guidance notes for further information.
Please continue to encourage parents to check their eligibility early to ensure they can take up the funded hours, when they need them.
Related documents
To view 30 hours funded childcare related documents including national guidance publications and a range of support materials such as posters visit Childcare Choices - Information for childcare providers.
Toolkits, training and support materials
Operational delivery support tools
Day nurseries and pre-schools
- 3YO Weekly Costing Toolkit - PVI XLSX 89 KB
- 30 Hours Free Childcare Workbook - Day Nurseries PDF 3.62 MB
Maintained, academies and independent schools
- 30 Hours Free Childcare Workbook - School PDF 3.00 MB
- 3YO Weekly Costing Toolkit - Maintained XLSX 69 KB
- Web version example of a short demand survey DOCX 197 KB
Partnership toolkit
If you’re considering working in partnership to deliver 30 hours childcare, the Department for Education and the Family and Childcare Trust have developed the Coram Family and Childcare toolkit to support partnership approaches. The interactive toolkit contains practical advice, guidance and case studies.
Your questions answered
- Your Questions Answered Maintained PDF 180 KB
- Your Questions Answered Day Nurseries & Pre Schools PDF 177 KB