Collections Development Policy
Reviewed and updated August 2023
Approved by Steve Lloyd, Head of Cultural Services, 24 October 2023
This document will be reviewed and updated in 2026 in line with the Archives Service Accreditation programme.
5. Developing the archive collections
5.1 Lancashire Archives aims to ensure that its collections represent, as fully as possible, the past activities of all communities within its collecting area. To achieve this we seek to address the existing weaknesses of our collections while continuing to build on their many strengths.
5.2 How we identify gaps in our collections
Lancashire Archives will continue to identify aspects of the county's history which are not sufficiently represented in our collections, as well as areas which may be over-represented. We will do this by:
- continually working to increase and improve the information we have about our collections
- analysing information in our electronic collections management system
- consulting with key stakeholders including our customers, people with expert historical knowledge and depositors
- reviewing our Collections Development Plan each year
5.3 What gaps are there?
There are some significant gaps in the collections held by Lancashire Archives, so we are particularly interested in acquiring archives from:
- individuals and families, particularly 20thcentury material
- post-1974 local authorities
- Christian churches associated with minority communities
- other faiths
- all business sectors, but especially local and smaller businesses, including retail and financial and some professions, such as architects, dentists, doctors and opticians
- all industrial sectors, but particularly aerospace, agriculture, construction and high specification engineering
- voluntary organisations and charities
- local pressure groups
- trade unions and employers and business organisations
- politicians and political parties
- minority groups e.g. LGBTQ, Black, Asian and minority ethnic, Eastern European, disabled people.
- societies and clubs
- professional and amateur sports clubs and regional sporting organisations
- arts organisations
- public responses to significant events
5.4 How we will make our collections more representative
A five-year Collections Development Plan outlines how these gaps will be addressed in the medium term. Lancashire Archives' annual plan contains specific targets for acquiring archives in areas that are under-represented.
To ensure that we make these acquisitions we will:
- promote the idea of depositing archives to relevant individuals and organisations:
- online, including the use of social media
- by attending appropriate events
- using leaflets and posters
- through direct contact with relevant organisations and individuals to discuss their archive collections and the benefits of depositing archives
- monitor auction catalogues
- work with our colleagues in other Lancashire County Council services, to:
- identify potential depositors in the communities they work in
- secure the transfer of relevant archives currently held in libraries and museums