Collections Development Policy
Reviewed and updated August 2023
Approved by Steve Lloyd, Head of Cultural Services, 24 October 2023
This document will be reviewed and updated in 2026 in line with the Archives Service Accreditation programme.
1. Purpose of Policy
1.1 This policy is one of several existing policies relating to different elements of the heritage collections preserved and managed by Lancashire County Council. The aim of the policies is to ensure that the diverse elements of the heritage collections, in libraries, museums, and Lancashire Archives, are properly managed, preserved and are made available in the most appropriate manner to ensure their long-term survival and usability.
1.2 This policy forms part of the suite of policies relating specifically to the collections held by Lancashire Archives. It should be read in conjunction with the Collections Management Policy which provides a definition of archives and describes the statutory and legal basis for Lancashire Archives and the management of its collections, the framework of standards within which it operates and the code of ethics followed by staff developing the collections.
1.3 This policy explains in more detail what Lancashire Archives collects and how we will ensure that our collections continue to be a unique resource for everyone researching any aspect of Lancashire’s past.
1.4 This policy will be reviewed no later than 5 years after the date of approval.