Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-2025
6. A good SEND offer
What does a good Lancashire SEND offer look like?
Based on the SEND Code of Practice, along with the feedback we received in the inspections, at the Think SEND events and in other conversations, this is a good Lancashire SEND offer:
- Puts the child or young person at the centre of what we do
- Compliant with all of our statutory duties across all sectors
- Delivered through timely and responsive services
- Clearly explains the child or young person’s SEND journey
- Staff are compassionate and understanding about the experience families have on their SEND journey
- The majority of children and young people with SEND successfully attend mainstream school
- Quality teaching, curriculum and access meets the needs of children and young people with SEND whatever education or early years setting they attend
- SEN Support is available in all education settings for those with needs that do not require an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
- Education, Health and Care Plans describe the support a child or young person needs, and the outcomes they would like to achieve
- The voice of the child or young person is included in our work
- The voice of parent carers is included in our work
- Criteria for access to services and support are clear and communicated
- Information is freely available on the Lancashire SEND Offer website
- Regular SEND events and workshops are available throughout the year
- Service provision is consistent across Lancashire and meets the needs of the children and young people
- Our staff in all sectors know and understand their role in supporting children and young people with SEND, and the role of others across the sectors
- Staff in all sectors are skilled, motivated and effective in supporting needs, and staff turnover is low
- Staff are responsive to adapting pathways / services to meet the needs of the population they serve
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