Sensory processing

3. Universal support - information for parents and professionals

There is a wide range of information, resources and strategies that you can trial at this first, universal level.

You can find the recommended sources for this information below.

We encourage parent carers and professionals to follow the suggestions here before exploring the targeted options that may be available.

We recommend you:

  • try just a couple of strategies at a time
  • choose what is a priority for you and your family
  • implement strategies and changes gradually - this will make it easier for you to work out what is going to be helpful for your child, as well as being more manageable for you as a family
  • give it plenty of time to make sure the strategy is or isn’t working before moving on to another

Recommended resources

Not all of these resources may be relevant for your child, depending on their age or developmental stage. Some resources may be relevant now, but some may provide you with ideas that will be more helpful in the future, as your child gets older.

Local information, resources and support

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) information in Lancashire:

The Lancashire and Cumbria sensory education session aims to help you to understand more about children's sensory needs and how to meet them. It also includes how Lancashire and Cumbria SEND partners are planning to improve meeting sensory needs of children.

Sensory environment audit (DOCX 43 KB) this is a useful tool for the school sensory environment, adapted from the Autism Education Trust's tool.

Lancashire SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) The SENDIAS website has information and advice for parent carers such as tips for meeting with professionals. The service also provides free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children with SEND.

Lancashire's SEND Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with SEND and their families. It includes a SEND directory where you can search for local services.

More online resources

The National Autistic Society (NAS) has lots of resources to support children with sensory needs.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Joining in with Sensory Differences - This website has videos explaining sensory processing and the 8 senses. They also have ideas of things that you and your child can do to help if they are having difficulties.

The Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Sensory Service - This website has a number of videos explaining about sensory processing as well as videos which support a range of day to day activities:

  • Dressing
  • Eating and mealtimes
  • Toileting
  • Showering and bathing
  • Hair washing
  • Teeth brushing
  • Nail cutting
  • Sleep
  • Going out and about

The Falkirk Council Children with Disabilities Team have two booklets on sensory processing:

  • Making Sense of Sensory Behaviour (PDF 329.6 KB) - a practical approach at home for parents and carers. This booklet is designed to help us become more aware of the effects of sensory information and how it may impact on life skills and behaviour.
  • Making Sense of Your Sensory Behaviour (PDF 2.2 MB) This booklet helps parents and carers to look at their own sensory preferences and sensitivities. Booklet written by Lesley Beath, Paediatric Occupational Therapist.
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