LPS CARE - The Provision of Specialist Substance Use Detoxification and Rehabilitation Services - LCC37252

The evaluation period will commence in April. For an Application to be considered in this evaluation period you must submit an Application by 11am on Monday 31 March 2025. All Applications submitted after this date and time will not be evaluated until the next reopening.

Providers are reminded to allow sufficient time to upload applications onto the e-tendering portal to allow for unforeseen technical difficulties. For assistance on the Supplier portal please contact our helpdesk on 01772 534966 Monday – Friday between the hours of 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm or via pim@lancashire.gov.uk.

Please read all of the documents listed via the above link prior to applying to join the PDPS. All applications must be returned via the Supplier portal: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/fusion-supplier-portal/ under Negotiation Number LCC37252.

Applicants must complete all the required documents (as stated in the ITP).

Any questions regarding the application process must be submitted via the e-tendering portal using the messages function

The negotiation number within the Oracle system is: LCC37252

The Service being commissioned is 'Specialist Substance Use Detoxification and Rehabilitation Services' previously known as 'Tier 4 Substance misuse services' and ' inpatient detoxification and rehabilitation services'.

Inpatient detoxification and rehabilitation services are a standard part of the substance misuse treatment pathway nationally and are clearly referenced in national guidance (Drug misuse and dependence, UK guidelines on clinical management. Department of Health, 2017).

For the purpose of this procurement, the Services are as follows:

  • Specialist inpatient drug and alcohol assessment, stabilisation, and detoxification/assisted withdrawal services.
  • A range of drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs including both residential and non-residential to suit the complexity of different service user needs.

The Authority is intending to procure a Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing system (PDPS) which will be a list of providers who meet the required criteria.

The PDPS will be made up of the following Service Categories:

Service Category 1. Detoxification Services

Service Category 2. Rehabilitation Services

Please see the Tender documents (Invitation to Participate) for information in relation to contract value, contract term, the requirements and instructions on how to submit a tender:

Although the initial deadline for Applications has passed, the PDPS is open for new applications throughout its term. Please see the Invitation to Participate document for information in relation to evaluation periods throughout the term of the PDPS.

Applicants are required to submit their Application through the Oracle Fusion Supplier portal:

Fusion Supplier Portal - Lancashire County Council


Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal is the replacement to iSupplier Portal. All existing active suppliers to the Authority will be automatically registered in Fusion.

Guidance will be available within the 'How to do Business with the Council' section of the LCC website.

The contact details for advice or assistance relating to the use of the e-tendering system are:

E-Tendering Help Desk Telephone Number: 01772 534966

Support line hours are between: 10 AM to 12 PM and 2 PM to 4 PM Monday to Friday