Staff survey 2022

Pulse survey 2022 results

Our pulse survey closed on 15 May 2022.

2022 your feedback – you said, we did

In response to staff within Adult Social Care raising that they didn't have enough opportunity to express their views, the ASC leadership team set up staff engagement sessions where they spend time listening to staff. The Deputy Executive Director has also introduced a 'Monday Message' which covers off the key messages, which is emailed to all staff at the start of every week.  

Children & Family Wellbeing have established a staff voice group made up of colleagues who are Wellbeing Champions and Change Influencers to support employee engagement. The group meet every 12 weeks with the CFW Senior Leadership Team to raise issues, give feedback, discuss challenges and work on joint resolutions. The group also recently led on organising a staff recognition event for the service. 

Education Improvement ensure that wellbeing is top of the agenda at every SMT weekly meeting. 

Health, Safety & Resilience have increased the use of digital tools i.e. Teams Channels to aid information sharing and collaborative working, but also and conversely more face to face (rather than hybrid/virtual) meetings when the occasion suits. 

Learning Disabilities and Autism have reinstated quarterly staff engagement meetings. 

Legal, Governance and Registrars have introduced a staff newsletter covering a range of topics that include corporate issues such as business planning, directorate, and service issues and then a section on staff wellbeing and support for managers. They are also looking to introduce video updates in the near future. 

The Policy, Commissioning and Children's Health Teams have held quarterly service face-to-face meetings to bring colleagues from different teams together to network and learn more about the priorities for the county council, and to help improve the connections between different areas of work. They also ran a team building event which helped colleagues to develop positive and trusting relationships. 

Quality Assurance Inspection and Safeguarding Business Support have scheduled staff survey feedback meetings with teams to get their responses and feedback to be more team specific. They have arranged staff development days to look at main themes and work together to agree solutions and improvements. They have also utilised Employee Support to support teams working through difficult challenges and look at themes that they need to focus on improving and how they can work together and communicate more effectively. In addition to this, they also have launched their own staff recognition scheme, created a change influencer newsletter, and developed a "You Said, We Did" and included this in their change influencer first newsletter.

Scientific Services have run a series of team-based staff workshops with Senior Managers and the Change Influencer to understand staff experiences of working within Scientific Services and for Lancashire County Council. The feedback led to a number of actions being taken and enquiries being made to other departments so that we can do what we can to improve working conditions, offer explanations on corporate policy and escalate issues where we feel necessary and appropriate.  

Trading Standards have established an online 'Staff Voice Group' with face-to-face 'drop in' sessions held every 8 weeks or so. The group is led by a senior manager who is a change champion and another member of staff who is also a change champion. Any issues that require consideration or a response from the Service's Management team are escalated for discussion.