Get an apprenticeship or supported internship
There are lots of education and training providers in Lancashire who have work based learning opportunities, often specialising in specific industries or sectors.
These opportunities include apprenticeships and supported internships.
An apprenticeship is a great way to learn whilst you're working and getting paid. You'll learn practical skills through your job and will go to college or a training provider one day a week to learn the theory behind your chosen subject area. Apprenticeships are available in lots of subjects and they last for at least 12 months. You can start at Level 2 and move all the way up to Level 7.
As an apprentice, you are an employee, getting paid and will have other employee rights, such as holiday pay.
Pay rates depend on your age and how far you are in your apprenticeship. A 16-18 year old apprentice, you will get at least the National Minimum Wage.
The SORTED website has more information about who offers apprenticeships in Lancashire.
You can also find an apprenticeship on GOV.UK.
Supported internships
Supported internships are for 16-24 year olds with an education, health and care (EHC) plan.
Supported internships are based around a large work placement where you will spend about 70% of your time. They are designed to help you learn the skills needed for a job and they can last between 6 months and a year. Where needed, the programme will also include English and maths. The aim of a supported internship is to help young people with an EHCP to get into paid employment.