
It's important that we provide you with the best support we can offer.

This could be from your personal adviser or from other services that offer advocacy or support groups in the area you live.

Every child and young person needs a good parent to look out for them, speak out on their behalf and respond to their needs. For children and young people who are in care this is the responsibility of the county council. This is called being corporate parents.

Lancashire County Council and our partners have made promises to children in care and care leavers about the support we will give you. 

Your personal adviser is there to help you to prepare to live independently and to offer advice and support after you leave care. Personal advisers should talk to you about what support you need and record this information in your pathway plan.

Age 16 and 17

By your 17th birthday you'll be allocated a personal advisor. They will give you advice and guidance and help prepare you for living independently (along with your carer and social worker). This will include a plan to help you make the transition from care to independent life – called a pathway plan.

Age 18-21

Once you turn 18, in most cases, you'll no longer have a social worker. Your personal adviser will make sure you get the services you need and help co-ordinate your pathway plan and reviews.

Age 21-25

The support you receive from your personal adviser does not need to end on your 21st birthday. You can receive support from your personal adviser up to your 25th birthday..

However if you feel that you no longer need support then that’s ok, your support can be stepped across to universal services and your case be closed to Children's Social Care. You can request support again anytime up to the age of 25.

Age 25+

It's ok if you still need advice or signposting to services from the Leaving Care Service. You can make contact via costumer access on 0300 123 6720 or visit the Leaving Care Hub in your area.

If you don't have a personal adviser

If you are a qualifying care leaver or over the age of 21 and would like to be supported by a personal adviser, please call 0300 123 6720 to request an assessment of your needs/entitlements.

If you're aged 18 to 25 your personal adviser can refer you to a service called 'Ask Jan' for extra support if you need it.

Ask Jan provides:

  • Personal finance advice – mortgages, pensions, savings, debt, insurance
  • 24-hour counselling helpline - direct and immediate access to a BACP accredited counsellor
  • Up to 8 face to face counselling sessions per issue with a BACP accredited counsellor
  • Nutrition, exercise, stress and wellbeing advice
  • Access to My Possible Self App
  • Online cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Housing advice helpline 8am to 8pm
  • Legal advice helpline 8am to 8pm
  • Citizen's advice helpline 8am to 8pm
  • Discounts and special offers on days out and activities with The Max Card
  • Access to all other Rees Foundation projects

Ask your personal adviser for more information.

Your leaving care team will consider with you what extra support you may need. Here are some examples of care leavers who might need extra help. We've provided some links for more information too.

Young people with special educational needs or a disability

For more information, there is also a special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer.

Young parents

If you are a young parent, we will support you to do the best for them. We will help you arrange childcare, if this is what you want. Talk to your personal adviser about the different support groups in the area you live.

You have a right to support from an independent advocate if you want to challenge decisions about the support we give you.

Independent advocates can inform you about your rights and help you to be heard in meetings. They are separate from Children’s Services and are available to care leavers up to the age of 25.

You can request an advocate from the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS).

If you have lost contact with family or other people who are important to you, our Lifelong Links service may be able to help.

Lifelong Links can support you as a care leaver to build positive, lifelong support networks.

We can help you address the challenges you might face around social isolation, living, being and feeling alone.

An independent lifelong links coordinator works with you to find out who is important to you and who you would like to be in touch with.

Your lifelong links plan will form a part of your pathway plan.

If you are 16-25 years old, with your consent, your social worker or personal advisor can refer you into the Lifelong Links Service.

A quote from John - "Life is better when connections are made, with lifelong links I found the family I didn’t even know I loved"

Visit the Lifelong Links service page for more information.

A family group conference is a meeting that brings together people who are important to you to create a plan of support around you.

This may include family members, friends or professionals.

This can help when you are leaving care. Having a plan of who can help and support you can help to prevent feeling lonely. You will know who you can contact if you need to and who will stay in touch with you.

Our workers will explain the process when they meet with you and write down with your permission everyone you want us to contact. We will visit the people you have told us about and bring everyone together for a family group conference.

Your family plan will become part of your pathway plan.

You can ask your social worker or personal adviser to make a referral to family group conference.

Visit the family group conference page for more information about family group conference in Lancashire.


If you need to contact Lancashire children's social care call 0300 123 6720 or out of hours you can call 0300 123 6722 (8pm-8am Monday to Friday and any time during weekends and bank holidays).

You can also ring the above numbers if you

  • can't reach your social worker or personal adviser and need to speak to someone 
  • are a care leaver aged 21-24 and would like to request support from a leaving care personal adviser

More information and advice

The care leavers local offer has information about other support available to you as a care leaver. The events and community page has more information about groups for care leavers and community groups.

Talkzone can offer general advice and support for young people, get in touch with us for help.

Other organisations that provide information and advice: 

  • Children's Commissioner - help at hand - support and advice if you want to make a complaint / you’re not getting the right support / you’re worried about placement moves, housing, finances or your future /you’re not being heard / you feel unsafe.
  • Become - online advice and information for children in care and care leavers.
  • Coram Voice - information about your rights and entitlements as a care leaver.
  • The care leavers association – a charity aimed at improving the lives of care leavers of all ages.

