
As a care leaver we will try to help you financially. Your personal adviser will give you advice and information about what you are entitled to.

We will support you to:

  • get a form of ID such as a provisional driving licence
  • get your National Insurance number
  • open a bank account
  • access your Junior ISA savings account when you are 18
  • budget and manage your money

The financial support we give you depends on your age, when you were in care and for how long. This is what decides your legal status as a care leaver. The following links will take you to more information about help you could get based on your legal status:

Speak to your personal adviser if you have any questions about what you are entitled to and the additional financial support we offer.

If you're aged 18 to 25 your personal adviser can refer you to a service called 'Ask Jan' for personal finance advice around things like budgeting, debt, savings and insurance.

They also offer a 24-hour counselling helpline to support you with the emotional impact of your situation.

Ask your personal adviser for more information.

Benefits are payments from the government that you claim through Jobcentre Plus. Every Jobcentre Plus in Lancashire has a single point of contact (also known as SPOCs). These are advisers who offer support to care leavers, such as helping you find employment and help with any benefit problems. Your personal adviser will have the contact details for the relevant SPOC. Also ask your personal adviser about advance claims for care leavers.

Grants are one off payments you can apply for, usually to help pay for things like education courses. There are a number of organisations that give grants to young people, some specifically for care leavers. Ask your personal adviser for more information.

More information and advice

The Welfare Rights Service provides free and confidential guidance on appealing a benefits decision.

Other organisations that provide information and advice:
