
There are eight award categories and each award has its own criteria.

The judging panel will use the criteria to select shortlisted nominations and winners. When you make your nomination, remember to give examples of how your nominee meets the criteria. We are looking for good stories where someone's work has really made a difference to customers or other staff members.

This is the person who always tries to help, support, motivate and develop other people. They know when those around them need extra support – and offer it. They are on hand to offer ideas and suggestion when required. This person is a positive and steady presence and always there when needed. They make their colleagues’ lives easier and happier and exhibit a consistently positive nature.

They could have: 

  • provided help and support to you professionally or personally
  • mentored you in your role
  • inspired others to achieve greater things
  • injects positivity in the workplace through the way they go about their work
  • motivates those around them to go that extra mile

This award is designed to recognise colleagues whose outstanding contribution is directly recognised by the individuals or communities they support in their role. We are looking for an individual who demonstrates a passion for helping others and goes to great lengths to ensure our communities receive the best possible service. Nominees may have received brilliant feedback from the people they support and/or be recognised by colleagues for making a positive difference.

This could be someone who:

  • delivers help and support to our most vulnerable residents or goes the extra mile to meet customer's needs
  • goes above and beyond what is asked to ensure that they get the help and support they need
  • looks for opportunities to improve the lives of others who use our services
  • actively promoted and championed equality, diversity and inclusion either internally or externally
  • dealing directly with customers whose complex needs and difficult circumstances mean help and guidance from the council really does ‘make a difference’ in their lives.

We are looking for an individual who brings a passion for helping others do the job they do and who makes a tangible difference to those they work with. 

Nominees for this award will have gone the extra mile in their job to achieve something truly outstanding, or overcome adversity in their professional life to deliver excellent service. Our Employee of the Year will be an ambassador for the county council and a role model to their colleagues. They will be a positive force in their team, in serving our communities and/or in delivering joined-up working between departments and partner organisations.

 They could have:

  • made an effort to ensure that they continuously improve their performance /service delivery;
  • subsequently made a positive difference to the team or service they are working in;
  • made a valuable and recognisable contribution to delivering services to the people of Lancashire;
  • treated everyone with fairness and respect;
  • displayed openness and friendliness whilst working with initiative, drive, and enthusiasm.


For this award we are seeking nominations for the 'unsung heroes' who make an outstanding contribution to the work of their teams or other people they support.  This award will recognise an individual who demonstrates flexibility, reliability and enthusiasm to provide an outstanding, but often unseen contribution.  You may feel that they don't realise how valuable a contribution they make when in fact those around them consider them a vital member of the team.

This could be someone who:

  • highly motivated to make a difference in the area they work;
  • works diligently in the background;
  • reliable and conscientious;
  • nothing is too much trouble; 
  • the sort of person who goes out of their way for others.


This award is designed to recognise an exceptional colleague that has been with Lancashire County Council for 20 years or more.  Their service does not have to be continuous.  They will have shown a passion for the role(s) that they have during this time, and will encompass the vision and values. 

The award focuses on what they have achieved throughout their career, rather than one single contribution. 

This person could be nearing retirement or still on their employment journey. 

The award is open to staff members and volunteers. 

This could be someone who:

  • has exhibited the Vision and Values behaviours throughout their career
  • has worked hard to ensure that they continuously improve their performance /service delivery
  • invested time and effort into mentoring colleagues and sharing knowledge with others
  • has demonstrated exceptional service / leadership over a significant period of time

This recognises someone that has been in their role for two years or less. They could have previously held other roles within the Authority. This award is open to both employees and volunteers of any age.

This could be someone who:

  • has improved performance/service delivery during their short time
  • has made great progress with their own professional learning and development and takes pride in their work
  • has an energetic approach to their role, wanting to be the best that they can be
  • made a significant impact in their own service/department or in working with others

Do you know a manager/team leader/supervisor who motivates and inspires you and your team? This doesn’t have to be your line manager but could be someone that you have seen make a positive impact on their staff or team. 

We are looking for strong leaders, who communicate effectively with team members and who can be relied upon to steer the team through difficult times. They will demonstrate a forward thinking approach to customer focus and service delivery and ensure this is shared with their team. They should demonstrate a positive attitude to change that influences and motivates others to handle change positively.

They could:

  • be a strong leader, who can be relied upon to steer the team through difficult times
  • demonstrate commitment to and be proactive in delivering continuous improvement
  • demonstrate a forward thinking approach to customer focus and service delivery
  • be visible, approachable and responsive to their team
  • encourage staff to reach their full potential, through supporting development
  • recognise individual and team contribution
  • inspire, motivate and engage others, treating everyone with fairness and consistency


This award recognises a collection of individuals who, through working together, have made a significant and positive impact. This could be an established service team, or a group of individuals from different areas who have worked collaboratively on a project or initiative. The size of the team doesn't matter, a team could be two people or 100 people. The award recognises a team where, individually and collectively, each colleague continually strives for excellence in service delivery and/or customer service. 

Nominees could have:

  • shown a commitment to continuous improvement
  • shared best practice and experience with others
  • delivered a project on time despite difficulties
  • continuously delivered excellent customer service (internally or externally)
  • demonstrated enthusiasm and openness to change


Get in touch

If you need further advice or have any problems completing the form please email us at

Nominate now

Does a team or individual deserve a special thank you for a job well done? Nominate them for a Staff Excellence Award to give them the recognition they deserve.

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If you need further advice please email us at

Keep updated

Look out for news about the Staff Excellence Awards on the intranet and Schools' Portal.