Margaret and Adele
Adele is a 37-year-old woman with a mild learning disability. Her social worker referred her to Shared Lives because she could not live independently. She had previously been living with her partner but the relationship had broken down. Adele wanted to move closer to her family who she had lost touch with.
We found a Shared Lives carer, Margaret, who lived near Adele's family. The Shared Lives team thought that Margaret and Adele would be a good match because Margaret has an outgoing personality and had the confidence to motivate Adele.
Adele and Margaret got on very well. They met a few times and Adele stayed overnight before they both decided to make the move permanent. The Shared Lives team had regular contact with both Adele and Margaret throughout the introductions.
How Shared Lives helped
It was apparent from early on that Adele lacked structure and routine in her life. The Shared Lives Officers and Margaret looked at activities which Adele would enjoy and feel motivated by.
Adele was heavily overweight and suffering from depression. She was diagnosed with diabetes and other medical conditions related to her weight. Adele was withdrawn and showed little interest in her personal appearance.
The Shared Lives Officer gave Margaret guidelines on how to improve Adele's general health and wellbeing. Adele was referred to a dietician and Margaret and Adele joined a local gym (Margaret was able to attend for free as Adele's carer). Margaret encouraged Adele to enrol at college and get involved in local community groups.
She invited Adele's college friends over and contacted other Shared Lives Carers to organise evenings out; giving Adele the chance to meet up with other people who live with Shared Lives Carers. Margaret helped Adele to learn how to walk to college and local activities on her own, giving Adele both independence and regular exercise.
The difference Shared Lives made
Less than two years later, Adele's life has completely changed. She has lost five stone in weight, her medication for diabetes has been reduced and she no longer takes antidepressants. Adele has a lot of friends and a very busy social life. She attends college three days per week, is a member of a local drama group and recently played a part in a pantomime. Adele now takes pride in her appearance and has become outgoing and chatty.
Margaret has built a warm and trusting relationship with Adele. Margaret has worked hard to encourage Adele to rebuild her relationship with her family. Adele now sees her father and sister regularly and was a bridesmaid at her sister's wedding.