PSHE Education
The Lancashire Learning for Life award is the FIRST personal development quality mark for schools who are developing the learners of the future and teaching young people how to thrive!
This brand new quality mark allows schools the opportunity to celebrate all the bespoke provision that they provide to prepare children for their future in Modern Britain.
Principally centred around the various opportunities that you offer your students; this award offers inclusivity to all schools with a 'one size fits you' approach to accreditation.
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Join PSHE Consultant Jen Macdonald for an overview of the brand new Lancashire Learning for Life award!
"As a school we are proud of the Personal Development opportunities we offer our pupils and the Learning for Life Badges will be a fantastic way to celebrate this with our whole school community."
"The Learning for Life Badges allow you to work at a pace that is suitable for you, giving you flexibility of working and gathering evidence."
- Deputy Headteacher & EYFS Leader, St. Andrew's CE Primary School

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PSHE Consultant Support from Lancashire Professional Development Service (LPDS)
The PSHE and Health Schools Teacher Adviser is part of the School Improvement Service working with schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Lancashire.
The role is to train and support schools to design their PSHE curriculum to meet the needs of their current cohorts, statutory requirements and Ofsted. It is a traded service which offers schools individual service level agreements and training to clusters of schools to address the needs of a unique local community.
The termly area network meetings bring together the offer to schools by partners as well as the opportunity to network and to receive the most up to date information and guidance. The Lancashire Healthy Schools Programme continues to offer accreditation which has helped schools to prepare for the Healthy Schools Rating Scheme.