
The LGfL weather station website provides extensive weather data from weather stations in Lancaster, Skelmersdale, Colne and Bacup. You can access the individual weather stations, analyse historic data or look at and compare current weather data from over 70 weather stations across the world.

Windspeed 1

This activity uses windspeed raw data from the Chorley Weather Station. The worksheet uses the software Autograph 3 and Excel. Pupils will be taught how to calculate the estimated mean and produce a histogram using continuous data. This activity can be used in KS4 or in Year 9 for the more able pupils.

Windspeed 2

This activity uses the windspeed raw data from the Chorley Weather Station. The worksheet uses the software Autograph 3 and Excel. Pupils will be taught how to produce a box and whisker diagram using the raw data exported from the Excel worksheet. This activity can be used in KS4 or in Year 9 for the more able pupils.

Statistics about United Nation member states.

These sites aim to recreate the measurement of the circumference of the earth that was done over 2000 years ago by measuring shadows cast by a meter stick at different locations on the earth.
Hourly and historical weather station data, lesson plans, class activities, animations and work sheets
A range of teaching resources and current and historical maps of Britain
The US Census Bureau International Database has information on global population trends, links to historical population estimates, population clocks, and estimates of population, births, and deaths.