Study Plus

What is Study Plus?
Study Plus is an intervention programme for Key Stage 4 pupils that is designed to raise standards at GCSE, principally in English and mathematics, but also in other GCSE subjects by improving literacy, numeracy and learning in general. Click on the icon for further information about the Study Plus approach.
The Study Plus approach is flexible so that provision can be designed by teachers to meet the needs of particular groups of pupils in their own school context. However, a Study Plus course will have six essential features.
Six essential features of Study Plus
Study Plus is a 5-6 term programme that is timetabled during the school day for at least two lessons a week typically pupils opt for it as part of the schools option programme.
Study Plus is planned as a sequence of around 20 English or mathematics units or a mixture of the two each unit lasting 3-4 weeks.
Teaching in each unit is focused by a cluster of curricular targets that have been identified as relevant to the group and individuals by using the English and mathematics progression maps.
There is support for the Study Plus teacher through training and materials.
Pupils learning is supported by another adult e.g. a teaching assistant or learning mentor who is attached to the group.
Close links to the main learning in English and mathematics lessons.
It is these essential features that define the Study Plus approach, not a specified content.