Mental Mathematics Resources

Top Ten

These materials comprise 15 short tests to practise mental mathematics. They were intended for pupils working towards the higher level mental mathematics paper (level 4 8).

Top Ten Notes

Top Ten Pupil Answer Sheets

Top Ten Tests

Additional Levelled Resources

The following mental test practise materials are written for pupils working at levels 3-5 or 6-7.

Level 6 and level 7 tests A and B

Level 6 and level 7 tests A and B pupil answer sheet

Levels 3 - 5 Set X tests

Levels 3 - 5 Set X pupil answer sheet

Levels 3 - 5 Set Y tests

Levels 3 - 5 Set Y pupil answer sheet

Levels 3 - 5 Set Z tests

Levels 3 - 5 set Z pupil answer sheet