Key Documents

Teaching and Learning Functional Mathematics

Teaching and learning functional mathematics is intended to support teachers of mathematics as they prepare courses that lead to qualifications that include functional mathematics.

There are six sections in this document

1. Introduction

2. The problem solving process

3. Writing your own contextualised problems

4. Cross - curricular activities

5. Assessment progression and mastery

6. Resources

QCA Functional Skills Guidance

QCA has produced this document to provide guidance on the requirements of the functional skills standards. The guidance elaborates on the knowledge, skills and understanding required at each level (entry level to level 2) for each of the functional skills qualifications.

Functional Skills Standards in Mathematics

The aim of the mathematics standards is to encourage people to demonstrate their mathematical skills in a range of contexts and for various purposes. They are essentially concerned with developing and recognising the ability of learners to apply and transfer skills in ways that are appropriate to their situation.

They are written to be sufficiently flexible to be interpreted in a variety of contexts, for example, in school and workplace settings, and by a range of users. They provide the framework for assessment, rather than the detail, and as such need to be relatively context-free.