
Welcome to the Lancashire website for secondary English teachers.

My name is Katy McWean and I am the Lancashire Secondary Consultant for English and Literacy (since January 2019). As part of a very experienced and successful secondary consultancy team, I have the pleasure of working closely with myriad English departments across Lancashire.

My main areas of support for English involve consultancy work, running English training courses and hosting termly English subject leader meetings providing curriculum update and training, as well as opportunities for colleagues to network and share good practice.

If you are interested in receiving departmental support, or are interested in attending English subject leader meetings (or any other courses), places can be reserved by emailing Alison.kenyon@lancashire.gov.uk or through the link on our courses page.

Through these networks and courses, Lancashire aims to support teachers in keeping abreast of the latest in good practice; I look forward to meeting many of you at some point during this academic year.

For further details and booking, see our courses page.

Our consultancy

Book in some consultancy form our secondary english team