
This area provides guidance on the leadership of whole school improvement in the areas of behaviour and attendance across all phases.

To use this site follow the links on the left or use the tiles below to find the aspect you are looking for.

In addition to the information contained on this website we provide CPD opportunities both in school and externally on a wide range of behaviour and attendance related issues. We have more than 8 years of successful experience supporting schools to improve standards in behaviour and attendance through training and consultancy appropriate to the needs of the individual.

What is the statutory guidance for behaviour and attendance?

How do OFSTED rate behaviour and attendance? How can we be effective at self evaluation in behaviour and attendance?
How can we use legal interventions to  support improved attendance? What is an effective behaviour and attendance policy  and framework? How are we measured and what is expected for behaviour and attendance?
How do we deal with challenging behaviour?                                                      THE LANCASHIRE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT TOOL What is Persistent Absence and what does it mean for us? Are our levels of exclusion acceptable?