Behaviour and attendance


Updates on Coronavirus are constantly changing. Please check out the Schools portal through the link below for the latest attendance information.

DFE guidance for educational settings can be found at

Y code

BTLS have produced a report that can produce a list of students with a Y code. This is imported into SIMS and accessed in the same way as the existing BTLS suite of reports.

Contact BTLS for more information.

Primary Behaviour Mentors

You may recall seeing an opportunity on the portal to sign up for a free Behaviour Mentor training programme.

We have now completed this process in all districts and have our team of behaviour mentors up and running,. We know that they are busy developing some of the strategies which they picked up on the training in their own schools but they have also identified areas they a re now able to support other schools with. This might be a visit from the Behaviour mentor to your school or for your staff to visit the behaviour |mentor and see them in operation.

The main focus is peer to peer support. It may be that you are planning on the developing the role of one of your school TA’s to have more expertise in behaviour. A visit to one of our mentors would enable them to get a clear overview of the possible activities making up such a role and to look at practical resources, assessments, action planning etc which they could use in their own school.

Examples of the types of support that can be offered are:

A visit to the behaviour mentors school to share ideas around:

· Resourcing, accommodation (e.g. nurture provision), time management

· The use of assessment tools such as Boxall

· The production of behaviour support plans

· Planning and delivering a support session for a small group or individual.

· The use of support staff at lunchtime to arrange play or support vulnerable students

Outreach visit to a local school by the behaviour mentor to:

· Collaborate on the development of a nurture space.

· Share expertise on the delivery of small group intervention sessions

· Support the TA’s working at lunchtime with strategies to improve behaviour

· Support TA’s with ideas for supporting children with behaviour issues in the classroom

Admission and deletion from roll

Information for this new requirement from September 2016 can be found under leadership and management- regulations- attendance.

Links to other sites

Behaviour and attendance updates from the DFE
Ofsted news
School attendance and absence