Initial survey

It is essential that all affected parties responding to the initial consultation / expression of interest survey for Residents Parking are made aware of the implications of such a scheme and are also made aware of the reason why it is being requested.

In order to ensure all respondents are fully aware of the implications and benefits of such a scheme it is important that the contents of the attached guidance leaflet (PDF 351 KB) are provided to all signatories making representation regarding the application for the scheme. 

To increase the possibility of any scheme meeting both the legal and democratic processes it is necessary to establish whether there is significant, evidenced support for the implementation of a scheme. As a key applicant for a scheme you will need to carry out and supply an informed consultation survey, to indicate that there is a majority in support on the measures before any further investigations are carried out.

Also attached is an example of the recommended consultation survey / expression of interest form (PDF 292 KB) which we suggest is used for the survey.

Once completed survey forms are received please collate and return to or alternatively please return to Residents Parking Engineer, Lancashire County Council – Highways and Transportation, Cuerden Offices, Cuerden Way, Bamber Bridge, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 6BS.

We would also advise that all the residents who will be impacted by displaced parking are also consulted.

Please contact if you require any further clarification.

Whilst we appreciate your concerns regarding parking, you do not have an automatic right to park on the road/carriageway in front of or in the immediate vicinity of your property. All vehicles, which are legally entitled to be on the highway, can park at any location they choose as long as this complies with rules in the Highway Code and does not represent an obstruction, contravention of a restriction or hazard to other road users in which case this is a matter for the Police.

We would also advise that the residents parking scheme / purchasing a residents parking permit will not reserve exclusivity to the parking space outside your property nor will it guarantee you a parking space within the residents parking scheme permit area.

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