Parking places

A residents parking scheme will restrict the number of people parking in a given area either over a restricted period of time or all of the time.  People will only be able to park in the area over the period of operation and whilst displaying a valid parking permit for that area.

The residents parking scheme / purchasing a residents parking permit will not reserve exclusivity to the parking space outside your property nor will it guarantee you a parking space within the residents parking scheme permit area.  It will however, due to the need to display a permit, restrict the vehicles allowed to park and therefore should improve the possibility of finding parking spaces within the authorised area.

Parking permits

Parking permits will be available to purchase by residents of the listed properties within the scheme.  The number of permits available to purchase by each address point will depend on the individual scheme.  Parking permits will cost £25 for 12 months from the date of purchase.  Should the property owner change their vehicle then a new permit will be required at a cost of £25 for a 12 month period.

Types of permit

Within a residents parking scheme there are two different types of permit.  Permits that are allotted to a specific vehicle registration (often referred to as Residents Permits) and permits that can be used by any vehicle (often referred to as a Visitors Permit). 

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