Penwortham to Preston Cycleway

We have improved two sections of the Liverpool Road/Fishergate Hill corridor between Penwortham and the City Centre. The cycle track on Liverpool Road was completed in March 2022. Improvements at the Broadgate/Fishergate Hill junction are now complete.

Broadgate and Fishergate Hill junction

Work is now complete on our innovative new CYCLOPS junction designed to make travel easier and safer for people walking, wheeling and cycling. 

This junction is a key part of the Penwortham to Preston Cycleway, and also forms part of the Preston Guild Wheel route. The improvements make the junction safer by separating people cycling from those who are walking or wheeling and general motor traffic to reduce conflicts. Safety improvements in this location are aimed at encouraging more people to leave the car at home and switch to active modes of travel, bringing wider health and environmental benefits.

CYCLOPS junction

Cycle Optimised Protected Signals (CYCLOPS) is a unique junction type which separates pedestrians and cyclists from motorised traffic. It reduces the risk of collisions or conflict. This junction will be the first ok its kind in Lancashire.

Benefits of CYCLOPS junctions:

  • An off-road cycle track which circles the junction - separating people cycling from general traffic and pedestrians and allowing everyone to use the junction safely.
  • Crossing times for people walking/wheeling are shorter and closer to the preferred route
  • People walking or wheeling are provided with more space at the junction with dedicated crossings which are separated from cycle crossing points, unlike more traditional crossings
  • 'Mini' zebra crossings are used to provide those walking or wheeling with priority when crossing the cycle track, helping to protect vulnerable users.
  • The overall junction performance for all modes of travel is optimised

Consideration of visually impaired people

We appreciate that some users may have concerns about this new type of junction, particularly those who are blind or partially sighted. As part of our engagement process we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment, consulting with sight loss charities and speaking to the local community to ensure the needs of all users are considered in our design.

Broadgate Junction improvement feedback

We have produced feedback from our public consultation, which took place in November 2021 and April 2022.

If you have any more questions relating to the Broadgate Junction improvement scheme that have not been answered, then please get in touch at

Feedback from our public consultation (PDF 138KB)

Broadgate Junction - further information

Penwortham Brow

In December 2021 we completed the final section of cycle track along Liverpool Road in Penwortham between Cop Lane and Broadgate. The scheme was designed with the safety of walkers and cyclists in mind, with a parallel crossing on a road hump and a central refuge island provided for safer crossing across Kingsway.

As well as providing safety improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable users, the completed cycle track will encourage sustainable transport between Preston and Penwortham and improve local air quality. The cycle track will directly link to the Broadgate cyclops junction.

In Summer 2022 the advisory cycle lanes west of Cop Lane in Penwortham were upgraded to mandatory cycle lanes. This offers improved provision for cyclists that continue through Penwortham east of Cop Lane.

Penwortham Brow - further information