Is your vision roadworthy?
You can get a free NHS eye test if:
- you are over 60
- you have glaucoma or diabetes
- or have been advised by an opthamologist that you are at risk of glaucoma
As part of the National Police Chief Council’s (NPCC) Operation Dark Night all Police Forces were invited to raise awareness of the importance of good vision for safe driving between 28th October and Sunday 10th November. A total of 3010 drivers' eyesight test were completed.
Of the 3010 drivers tested, 2960 (98.3%) passed but 50 (1.7%) failed to meet the eyesight standards for driving.
Forty per cent of drivers stopped had not taken an eyesight test with an optician/optometrist in the past two years.
Of the 50 drivers who failed the roadside sight test 42 drivers (1.4% of all drivers stopped) had their driving licence revoked during the ODNIYVR ( Operation Dark Night Is Your Vision Roadworthy?) campaign.