Legal support

If you are wanting to make a visa application, an asylum claim or other kind of immigration or human rights application, the process can be very complicated. It is best to get expert advice on your application or legal case from a qualified solicitor. If you cannot afford to pay for a solicitor, you may be able to get legal advice and representation for free under "legal aid".

For lots of information on your legal rights, explanations of 'what a lawyer is' and 'what legal aid is', please visit the excellent Right to Remain website.

Finding a solicitor

Lancashire does not currently have specialist immigration law firms and therefore the majority of asylum seekers and refugees have to access lawyers in Manchester and Liverpool.

You can look for a solicitor using the Law Society directories

Finding an immigration advisor

Immigration advisors can help you with most things to do with immigration, including helping you to fill in the right forms and representing you at a tribunal. They do not make immigration decisions. Check if the adviser is registered and if they charge a fee before you use them.

The Adviser Finder from GOV.UK provides a list of immigration advisers who are regulated.

Legal representatives for children and young people

The following fact sheet provides information on legal representatives for children and families in England and Wales. This includes finding a representative, what to expect from a representative, what different representatives do and what to do if something goes wrong.

If you have any questions about legal aid or relating to a refugee or migrant child, young person or family, you can call the Migrant Children’s Project advice line on 0207 636 8505 or email

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