Drop-in sessions

Lancashire Refugee Integration Team and our district/unitary council partners commission a number of advice, guidance and support drop-ins for refugees and asylum seekers across Lancashire.

Drop-ins can support with or signpost to health and wellbeing services, lifestyle support services, mental health support, debt management, benefits support, housing support, training opportunities, volunteering opportunities, and social engagement.

Drop-ins cannot provide any legal advice.

The drop-in details can be found below:


The Salvation Army, Raikes Parade, Blackpool, FY1 4EL

Opening times:

  • Tuesday, 10am - 3:30pm 

Contact: Alexandra Foden
Email: Alexandra.Foden@salvationarmy.org.uk 
Mobile: 07435075692

Seasiders Learning Centre, Sands Road, Blackpool, FY1 6JJ

Opening times:

  • Tuesday, 1pm - 3.30pm

Contact: Ramadan Alhamroni
Mobile: 07450 292583
Email: ramadan.alhamroni@salvationarmy.org.uk

Metropol Hotel (residents only), Princes Parade, Promenade, Blackpool, FY1 1RQ

Opening times:

  • Tuesday, 10am - 12.30pm

Contact: Ramadan Alhamroni
Mobile: 07450 292583
Email: ramadan.alhamroni@salvationarmy.org.uk

Immigration advice service: John Singh – Khazan & Co Immigration Lawyers, Seasiders Learning Centre
Sands Road, Blackpool, FY1 6JJ

Opening times: email for details

Contact: Ramadan Alhamroni
Mobile: 07450 292583
Email: ramadan.alhamroni@salvationarmy.org.uk


Burnley New Neighbours Together,  St John's Church Hall, Burnley, BB10 1TB

Opening times:

  • Tuesday, 10:00 - 14:30 
  • Thursday, 10:00 - 13:00

Contact: ruth@nntburnley.onmicrosoft.com
Mobile: 07710550181 or 07864841729 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nntburnley


Red Cross, Chorley Evangelical Free Church, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2AA

Opening times:

  • Monday, 09:30- 13:00

Contact: Wonder Phiri
Mobile: 07753976711 or 07445646992
Email: mainenehi@redcross.org.uk
Mobile: 07715002864


The Salvation Army, Wesham Community Centre, Church Rd, Wesham, Preston, PR4 3DT 

Opening times:

  • Wednesday, 1pm – 3pm

Contact: Alexandra Foden
Email: Alexandra.Foden@salvationarmy.org.uk
Mobile: 07435075692

Blackpool and Fylde College (Fleetwood Hospital), Bold Street, Fleetwood, FY7 6HL

Opening times: Wednesdays 1.45pm – 4pm

Contact: Ramadan Alhamroni
Mobile: 07450 292583
Email: ramadan.alhamroni@salvationarmy.org.uk


The Salvation Army, Maundy Relief, 29/31 Abbey St, Accrington, BB5 1EB

Opening times:

  • Wednesday, 10:00 – 16:00

Contact: Ramadan Alhamroni
Mobile: 07867254193


Global Link, YMCA, 29 Queen Street, Lancaster, LA1 1RX

Opening times:

  • Mondays – Fridays, 09:30 - 16:30

A hot meal will be provided on Tuesdays between 12:00 and 14:00.

Contact: Ahmad, Shorouq, Shaheen, Feroz, Wael, Vasiliki
Mobile: 0152436201


Pendle New Neighbours, Pendle Business Centre, Suite 203, Nelson, BB9 9BT 

Opening times:

  • Monday to Friday, 10:00 - 13:00

Contact: Hassan Orfali
Email: pnn@btinternet.com
Mobile: 07469979915 


British Red Cross, St Cuthbert Church Centre (Douglas Hall), Lytham Road, PR2 3AR

Opening times:

  • Thursdays, 9:30 – 14:00

Contact: Wonder Phiri
Email: wphiri@redcross.org.uk
Mobile: 07753976711 or 07445646992


PEP Enterprise CIC, Haslingden Community Link, Haslingden, Bury Road, BB4 5PG

Opening times:

  • Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00

Contact: Ehsan
Email: admin@pepenterprise.org
Mobile: 07708239336

South Ribble

British Red Cross, Leyland Baptist Church, 247 Leyland Lane, Leyland, PR25 1XL

Opening times:

  • Wednesday, 9:30 - 13:30 

Contact: Wonder Phiri
Email: wphiri@redcross.org.uk
Mobile: 07753976711 or 07445646992

West Lancashire

ASK Service, The Ecumenical Centre, Northway, Skelmersdale, WN8 6LU 

Opening times:

  • Monday, 12:00 - 16:00

Contact: derar@the-eccy.co.uk
Email: mayadahassanein@gmail.com, admin@skelmersdaleecumenicalcentre.org
Mobile: 07396495041


The Salvation Army, Community Hub, Hospital, Pharos St, Fleetwood, FY7 6BE

Opening times:

  • Monday, 10:00 – 12:00

Contact: Alexandra Foden
Email: Alexandra.Foden@salvationarmy.org.uk
Mobile: 07435 075692