MS Word - Working With Tables - Level 2 - IT0067

Who is this course for?

This course is for intermediate users of Microsoft Word who want to become competent in creating and manipulating Tables in a document. This is a Level 2 course.


This course provides the skills and knowledge to insert and edit tables within a document.


  • Insert a table and add data and convert text to table
  • Modify a table to add and remove rows and columns, make formatting changes and use the mini toolbar
  • Format a table adding borders and shading, change text alignment and apply banded rows and columns and use of styles
  • Use table tools to merge cells, change column and row width, change text direction and sort table data
  • Use a basic formula for calculating within a table
  • How to split tables


Business Systems Trainer

Course description

Virtual Training

Course cost

£75 per person.


All Microsoft Word courses are designed to use the mouse and not the trackball facility that is available on the laptop. Please ensure you have a mouse to use.

For Virtual Training it is recommended that you utilise an additional monitor, you will also need to be familiar with using Microsoft Teams Meetings, work with the Windows Taskbar, to be able to switch applications and to access files and folders in File Explorer. 

All prospective participants please complete the mandatory pre-requisite Skills Checklist prior to course application.  See below link for the checklist.  You will not hear from the Trainer unless they deem that you have not met the skills required for this course. Confirmation of a place on the course will be subject to the Trainer's assessment of the data provided on the checklist.  Joining Instructions and course data files will be sent out 2 weeks or thereabouts, prior to the course taking place.

Skills Checklist

If, when you have tried to book on a course, you see no dates are displayed, please register your interest by emailing
